Donate To Friends
How can I arrange a memorial tree within the Garden? Inquiries may be submitted via the “Contact us” page. We will provide a one page document which outlines the process. The cost of the tree itself depends upon the Requestor’s choice of tree. The cost for all other items (supply & installation of memorial plaque & post, initial tree-planting & ongoing maintenance) is $250. Tax receipts will be issued for the full amount.
Any requests are noted and honoured in the order in which they are received.
The Friends of the Old Seed House are grateful for your ongoing financial support. We rely on our donors for funding to maintain the garden and structures, and to carry out ongoing repairs due to vandalism and wear. Tax receipts will be issued for all donations of $10 and over.
To donate, please make your cheque payable to “The Friends of the Old Seed House Garden”, mailed to Friends of the Old Seed House Garden, 11 Edith Street, Georgetown, ON L7G 3A7.
Donations may also be done via E-transfer, through on-line banking to: [email protected]
Donations will be used for replacement of trees, plant materials, tools, bulbs, annuals.
Photos on the Garden Note Cards, prepared by our own Sue C. All profits go to Friends of the Old Seed House Garden to enhance the gardens.
Buy a packet of note cards for yourself, your friends & family. Printed locally on high grade paper. Four note cards/envelopes per packet, only $10.00 (provided in a clear plastic bag & tied with a ribbon).
To order, please go to the “Contact Us” page and email us with your request.
Thank you for your support!